Choosing A Car You Will Love

Choosing A Car You Will Love

  • Four Reasons That Your Tires Are Cooler Than You Think

    When it comes to routine car maintenance, tire replacements are not cheap. Depending on your wheel size and the type of tires that you choose, replacing all four can easily cost upwards of $800 or even more. This can seem excessive, but your tires are a key factor in your car's performance and safety. Remember that your tires are the only part (hopefully!) of your vehicle that actually makes contact with the road surface.

  • Making Your Truck More Accessible While Still Being Stylish

    If you have a large truck or van, you know sometimes it can be hard to get in and out of, especially for people with limitations. The idea of sticking a set of steps on the side of the truck might not appeal to you, but there are some ways to tie the steps in so that you are not only making the truck accessible but it will still look great too.

  • How Much Is Your Junk Car Worth?

    You feel that your car is on its last legs and it's probably time to junk it. But you are wondering what it's worth and how to get maximum value from it. Selling your junk car is a bit tricky as there is no documented list of what to expect. However, there are a number of factors that will help you estimate the value of your junk car. Waiting You may be tempted like many people to wait to sell your junk car.

  • Protecting Your Interests With Repairs And Engagement - Questions For Your Collision Repair Service

    Dealing with the aftermath of an auto collision can feel stressful and overwhelming, but it's important to avoid letting that stress get the better of you. There are steps that need to be taken to guarantee that your vehicle can get back in service in the best shape possible without subjecting you to frustrating delays. Developing a thorough understanding of the process is the first of those steps, as access to information can go a long way toward guaranteeing that you can feel secure.

  • Shopping For A Used Car? 2 Negotiation Tactics That Might Help You To Lower The Price

    When you start shopping for used cars, you might shy away from the art of making a deal. After all, who are you to argue the price of that nice-looking SUV? In fact, research has shown that a staggering 73% of car buyers wish that there was a single set price to avoid negotiations. However, negotiating doesn't have to be intimidating or difficult. Here are two negotiation tactics that might help you to lower the sales price of that used car, so that you don't end up with buyer's remorse later:

  • 2023© Choosing A Car You Will Love
    About Me
    Choosing A Car You Will Love

    Have you been saving for a new car? Although you might be tempted to invest your hard-earned dollars into the first ride that looks new and shiny, buying the wrong car could cause a lot of problems later. While the right car will keep you comfortable, safe, and financially viable, the wrong car could end up running your checkbook into the ground with repairs and leave you with a lackluster experience. Fortunately, I have bought several cars over the years, and I can teach you how to choose a car that you will adore. As you read my website, take notes so that you can navigate that car dealership like a pro.
